Alsatian bakery in New York City area for Alsatian Cookies

by Ashley
(New York City USA)

Does anyone know of an Alsatian bakery or bakery source in Manhattan, Long island or lower Connecticut in the USA?

We're interested especially in excellent cookies, or by mail from Alsace as well?

Thank you.

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Alsatian Cookies or Bredele
by: Suzele

Hi Ashley,

I can't help you with Alsace cookies in New York City although I have heard there's a Café d'Alsace restaurant there somewhere.

They may either make the cookies themselves or know someone who does.

But I do know where you might be able to get them in Alsace (although I doubt that they speak English or will ship them to the US).

Besides, the cookies wouldn't look as pretty after traveling across the Atlantic.

Another option would be to make them yourselves. They aren't complicated cookies for the most part. I've made a few myself and it was about as difficult as making sugar cookies.

Which cookies are you interested in?

Hope it helps,

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