Ancester John D. Weaver or Johannes D. Webber

by David
(Ohio USA)

Hi everyone,

I am David Weaver from Hillsboro, Ohio. My Alsace ancestor was from Lembach, France. He was born 17 October, 1803. I have lots of information on him after coming to the U.S.A. I have no information on him before, even his parents. If you can help me with information on him or to whom I should contact, I would appreciate any help.

Thank you very much!


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About Your Alsace Family Tree
by: Suzele

Hi David,

I'm really surprised that you aren't able to find more info about your Alsace relative here in France.

Assuming nothing has happened to his records, you should be able to find them.

You have his full name (which is not the most common or weird name for the region). Extremely common names are difficult because you're never sure if it's the right person.

And if the name is very unusual, it's likely that the family moved there. So you may not find too many generations.

You have the name of the village or town! This is super helpful.

It makes everything easier.

And the birthdate is always good to have.

You really have everything you need to find more info. You should be able to find his parents' names and probably more info.

Hope you're progressing on your family tree here in Alsace!

Of course official records won't help with learning about the every day life of your Alsatian ancestry. Their beliefs, customs, traditions and more.

If you've got questions like this about your family tree, let me know.

This is my area of expertise and I am planning to write more about it here on the site. I'd love know more about what you're curious about your ancestors from France.


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