Ancestors of Louis Dagobert Scherer b 1852

by Robert
(Ft Worth, TX USA)

I am looking for info on ancestors of Louis Dagobert Scherer b. 1852 in Alsace, d. 1943 in US (Texas).

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by: Suzele

Hi Robert,

You will have a lot more luck finding information about your relative if you can give more details about where he may have lived, even if it's just a small clue or hint.

In France everything is organized according to the community that you live in, so without it, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

It's possible, but it takes more time...

Good luck in your search,

Louis Dagobert Scherer
by: Betty Barrilleaux

Hi Robert,
I believe we are cousins. My great-grand father was, Louis V. Scherer from Weatherford, Texas. Have you been able to find any information on Louis Dagobert Scherer's mother's name?

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