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by E L Vredenburgh
(Lakewood, CO USA)
Scary to search family history here as I do not speak or read either French or German.
I need to know if a Castle named Lansburg, Castle by the Rhine, near Barr or Heidelburg in the Alsace area existed in 1600-1700 and are any publications available.
Also the family name I am researching is Joachim (Jost) Erich Von Baucom (as the first born son whose father was Hans (Baron Hanson) Von Baucom.
Family research states Joachim was born on July 5, 1680 near Lansburg, Castle by the Rhine and is where he spent his boyhood. He was educated at Alsace at Heidelburg Military Academy, entered the German army in 1705 as an officer in the second regiment of infantry.
While in military service he met and married Anna Marie Beauchampt, daughter of Louis Beauchampt and direct descendent of Macquire Du Boise (Conte De Rouce).
In 1711 Joachim (Jost) Erich Von Baucom resigned from military service and moved to Alsace. From Alsace he left with his 3 brothers on their own ships (supposedly bought by their father to leave for America going down the Rhine River and out to the ocean) "The Brigantine" and a schooner named "Fatherland" bringing with them 12 families of Prussian, German and French origin.
Do you know of any pictures or publications and their locations about the Von Baucom and the Louis Beauchampt Families that I can purchase to learn more of our family roots.
Thanks a million for reading this and for even giving a glimmer of hope to me that your area of Europe might definitely be where our roots are from.
E L Baucom-Mings-Vredenburgh
Comments for Castle by the Rhine, Alsace in 1600s 1700s