Curious about possible family connection to Maison Pfister in Colmar

by Sarah
(United States)

I'm a Pfister descendant & was told our family came to the United States from Alsace-Lorraine. I read that the previous owner of Maison Pfister in Colmar was a Francois Joseph Pfister. I have a several times great grandfather of the same name who was born in Alsace-Lorraine. How would I look up information regarding the owners of Maison Pfister? If I could find out the wife's name, I could verify if it's the same Francois Joseph. The timeframe would be correct. Thanks for any direction you can provide!

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by: Suzele

Hi Sarah,

There are a good number of Pfisters in Alsace and they are not only in Colmar.

Names like Joseph and François are relatively common.

If you knew that your family came from Colmar, that would at least give you some hope of a connection.

But as you don't know anything about where your family comes from in Alsace, I would try to find out the different locations of Pfisters in Alsace and verify that there are no others that could be your relative before jumping to any conclusions.

Even though it would be very fun to be related to someone who owned a famous building ; )

I would just hate for you to follow or build a family tree that isn't real.

Good luck in your search!

August Pfister
by: Howard Pfister lll

My great grandfather, August Pfister came from the city of Belfort Alsace Province France. He spoke very little English with a strong French accent. He left from LeHarve France in 1899 and emigrated to the United States. I vividly remember him, he had a great sense of humor.

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