Gantzer family who owned a winery in the Strasbourg area.

by Melanie
(Cincinnati, OH USA)

My ancestry includes the Gantzer (alternate spelling Ganzer) who apparently owned a winery in the Strasbourg region, possibly until sometime in the mid 1900s. I'd like to know how I can go about getting further historical ownership information, as well as genealogical information about my family. Anything you can do to steer me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated, as I am considering a visit to the region in the future.

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by: Suzele

You will have to look through records of each and every village in the general vicinity of Strasbourg until you find a relative.

Once you know where they lived, you are half way there. There will be a lot of digging but at least you know it was near Strasbourg.

Good luck!

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