How to go to Dambach-la-ville from Colmar without car?

by Pan


I want to visit Itterswiller without a car. I found on your website that you told I can walk from Dambach-la-ville to Itterswiller.

Would you please tell me how to get to Dambach-la-ville from Colmar? (except ride and walk....)

Thank you!!!

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How to Go to Dambach la Ville without a Car
by: Suzele

Hi Pan,

The first place to look is here, where you'll find the train stops for the more interesting towns and villages in Alsace.

Just remember that you can't go everywhere in Alsace on the train and the train schedules do not run all day and night to villages.

Larger cities have more active train schedules, but not villages.

Before you decide to not rent a car, decide where you absolutely want to go. Then decide if you will need a car or not.

No point in coming all the way to Alsace and then limiting your trip just because you don't want to rent a car.

Have a good trip!

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