Looking for Ehlert’s or Hammer’s in Alsace

by Nicole
(Durham, NC)

I’m looking to book a trip to Alsace next spring for my mom and I to visit where her grandparents are from, and have no idea where to search records over there. We have last names (Ehlert and Hammer), and her grandparents’ Ellis Island landing, but nothing earlier. We know they’re from Alsace/Alsace-Lorraine.


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The where is very important
by: Suzele

Hi Nicole,

The most important piece of info that you will need is the where.

Where in Alsace are your ancestors from?

What town or village would be the best info possible.

But if you can narrow it down, it will be less of a long onerous search.

The names of the people are extremely important but right after that is the where.

More important than the when in my opinion.

And I have spend hundreds of hours looking through records...

You don't need to come to Alsace to search records.

In fact it would be a waste to spend hours and days inside looking at records when you are in Alsace ; )

You should be outside enjoying it.

Do your research at home ; )

Happy hunting,

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