Looking for George Werner

by Tina
(Victoria British Columbia)

I have been told he was born in Alsace-Lorraine, France on May 4, 1806. His parents names are unknown to me. Is there anyone that can help search in this area and help me? I have been searching on line for years. Thanks Tina

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I feel your pain!
by: Suzele

Hi Tina,

I really hope someone has something for you. You never know.

If you've been going through every village's records in Alsace, you should eventually find it. but yeah it's going to take a really long time.

And there's always a chance that it was destroyed.

I'm going to guess that he was born in Alsace but he could be from the Moselle region of Lorraine. It's the only Germanic part of Lorraine.

At least there's no need to go through all of Lorraine which is a much bigger region than Alsace.

Good luck and bon courage as we say in French!

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