Martzloff Family Tree

by Cheryl Lenton
(California USA)

My family tree somewhat ends with Anna Catherine Magdelene Martzloff Born in 1685 in Postroff,Alsace.

Her daughter was Anna Mary Cline (married name). Anna died there in 1792. This is a true project.

I live in Temecula California USA which is also wine country.

Would love to hear from you!
Thanks so much!

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response to Cheryl Lenton in CA
by: Jeff Wartluft

My GGGG Grandfather, Dr. Phillip Martzloff (1720-1788) came to Fleetwood, PA in 1750 from Alsace Lorraine. In 1763 his first wife, Sybila Frey, was killed with two of their children by Indians. The name has changed to Wartzenluft and Wartluft, after going thru Merzluft. I am looking for antecedents. Phillip's father was Louis, married to a Catharine Weiss and his father was Phillibs Martzloff, both from Alsace Lorraine. This is found in a family German Bible printed in 1699 in Frankfurt, Germany. It was re-bound in 1733 in Schalbach. The Bible is now in the Fleetwood Area Historical Society museum.

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