My Alsace Family History in Niederbronn les Bains

by Dawn (nee Berlin) Hadley
(Seneca Falls, NY, USA)

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for my Ancestor Johann Jacob Berlin who was born June 8, 1652 in Niederbronn, France. I am looking to visit in May. I would LOVE to find out if any ancestral relatives still live around there! If not, I'd at least like to find his grave and maybe some records to take pictures and bring home to siblings.

Thanks for any help,

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by: Suzele

Anyone born in 1652 would not likely still have a grave standing. Graves aren't personal property that you own for all time.

And if the grave was there, it would be so worn away that you couldn't read it so a rubbing would be necessary.

Records will also be difficult because they were not required by the state so only church records exist when there are church records.

Who knows, you could have relatives still in town. It's not impossible : )

Good luck!

How's Your Alsace and French Family Tree Going?
by: Suzele

You made it back to the 1600s with your family tree, so you're doing pretty good!

And I wish you all the luck in the world to continue making progress.

From what I have seen, it seems the Berlin family name existed in the 1600s and 1700s, but doesn't seem to have continued on (at least in Niederbronn les Bains in Alsace) into the 1800s.

I can't say that it's a family name that I've seen often.

Perhaps different variations of it like Behrli or Behrlinger or something like this. Maybe Berlin is just a variation of Berlinger.

The 1600s may be one of the most challenging periods to work with. It was a horrible period in Alsace.

It makes both World War One and World War Two look like a walk in the park (at least in Alsace).

But because it was so long ago, not as many people are familiar with it.

I do genealogy research, but my first love is Alsace and its history (and cultural traditions, beliefs and just basically how people lived at different times in Alsace's history).

Hope all is well,

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