My French ancestor Jean Francois Drapeau

by Brian
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Jean Francois Drapeau was born in France in 1775 and died in Stormont County, Ontario, Canada April 23, 1857. His father was a wealthy lumber merchant who owned a saw mill in France, we think, in the Normandy region. After the French Revolution all of his assets were nationalized and the family lost everything they had. Four of his sons immigrated to Lower Canada and worked to send back money to support the family remaining in France. One of the brothers, Jean Francois Drapeau, moved to Stormont County in Upper Canada and married in Winchester, Ontario in 1817. His name became simply John Drapo, which later changed to John Droppo. My questions are as follows:

1.0 Can you identify his fathers name and the location that they lived in France.
2.0 Can I find records of the ship that the 4 brothers would have taken from France to Quebec - this would have been about 1795.

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by: Suzele

Hi Brian,

This is a website about the Alsace region in France and it's on the opposite side of France from Normandy, so I'm not sure that you'll find what you're looking for here.

Records are organized according to location so you'll need to talk to people in Normandy or whatever region your ancestors are from.

The records will be in Normandy not Alsace unless there's some roque Germanic wing of your family that came from Alsace ; )

Good luck!

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