Rednig, France

by Karin Lager
(Town of Fox Crossing, Wisconsin, USA)

Is Rednig, France close to or a part of Alsace Lorraine, France? Or was it ?

I found a birth record for one of my great,great,great grandfathers.

His birth record says Meyer, Francois Joseph
24 Mai 1807
Reims ?

This record is Bulliten 475, -S43-Les Optants 1872

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by: Suzele

I've never heard of Rednig here in Alsace although it's entirely possible that there was a Rednig.

Rednig is not French, so it is in a Germanic part of Europe. Germany, Switzerland, Alsace, Austria or somewhere else.

There is a Radnig in Austria.

Good luck!

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