Rei and Rehart Families from Alsace

by Joe Rei
(Kansas City, MO)

My Great Great Grandfather was Joseph Francis Rei and his wife was Anna Marie Rehart. Both are from the Alsace area and immigrated to the USA in 1833. Joseph Francis Rei was born on Oct 22, 1794. I assume in Alsace.

Where would I find family records of either the Rei or Rehart family.

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Alsace Research with Little Background Information
by: Suzele

Hi Joe,

That's a good question : )

You know where your ancestors are from. That eliminates the rest of Europe and France. That is good, but you still have thousands of villages, towns and cities in Alsace.

The simple answer is: You will find those records in Alsace : )

But where in Alsace? Until you can give more detailed information to narrow down the birthplace or where they lived, no one can tell you where to start.

Anywhere will do at this point : )

When people contact me to dig through the records for them, if all they have is a general idea of the date, like the 1800s, I'm ok with that.

But I really like to have more information about where. It doesn't have to be extremely precise. I can work with generalities, but if it's "Alsace" well that is going to take awhile unless I get lucky.

Also there is the problem of common names. Yours isn't too bad, but some names are extremely common, both first and last, so it's hard to be sure if it's the right person.

Hope it helps,

Joseph Rehart
by: Wanda Rehart

Joseph Rehart is from Alsace-Lorraine France. I too would so appreciate some tips as to how to find more information on Rei or Rehart family.

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