Travelling from Burgundy to Alsace

by Adel

I came across your website when I googled "Alsace". A very informative website, and answered a few questions for me too. Though, I have a couple more for you!

I'm planning my surprise honeymoon for Sept 2010 and was planning to travel from London-Paris-Loire Valley-Burgundy-Alsace-Germany. Yes, quite a trip I know.

My question is, what is the best (and preferably cheapest) way to get from Burgundy to Alsace. And, again from Alsace to Germany. Which region of Germany is Alsace sharing its borders?

In fact, if you have any other suggestions or tips on getting around in France, please do tell!!



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Travelling around France by Train
by: Suzele

Probably the cheapest and also easiest way to get from Burgundy to Alsace is the train.

Burgundy isn't that far from Alsace anyway so it wouldn't be a long trip (maybe a few hours most likely).

Alsace is next to Baden Wurtemburg in Germany.
You'll find the Black Forest area there and then Bavaria is just to the right of Baden Wurtemburg.

If you are taking the TER in Alsace, you can take it to Freiburg (north) or Basel (south) at no extra charge.

Once you're in Germany, you can go to the ticket counter and get what you want.

If you're in Basel, Switzerland, you can get a ticket for Germany there because they have a German train station (Badische Bahnhof) in Basel.

You can order tickets online for Germany too. They have a nice English language version of their site.

You can't get tickets in advance for the regional trains in France.

You can get prices for tickets on the national (region to region) train system but it's in French.

Here's the SNCF Australian subsidiary...

There are better deals on the French version but if you don't understand French well enough, then you might be better off using the Australian site.

The longer the trip, the more you'll save if you book in advance.

And the more in advance you book, the more you save (usually 3 to 6 months is enough in advance).

Hope it helps :)


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